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Best Pranayam for heart problems

Heart disease is becoming one of the leading causes of untimely death. To keep your heart healthy, it is necessary to keep your whole body healthy. This includes exercising and using some healthy tips. Pranayama is such a yoga asana, which can keep the heart healthy.

It benefits the heart in many ways, such as balancing the blood pressure level, reducing the respiratory rate, etc. There are different types of Pranayama, out of which Bhastrika and Kapalbhati are the most common. Only a few efforts are required to keep the heart healthy, of which Pranayama is one.

Today in this article, we will know how pranayama is beneficial for heart disease

These pranayamas are beneficial for heart disease

It is a technique to control the breath. Through this asana, work is done on the time of breathing and the time of stopping the breath. Through Pranayama, body and mind can be connected to each other. You can do Pranayama even while doing meditation. Pranayama increases the oxygen level in the body. Along with this, sufficient oxygen goes to the body through Pranayama. Due to this, toxins i.e. toxic substances also come out from the body. This asana is also easy to do, so everyone can do it. The following pranayama is mainly beneficial in preventing heart disease: 

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  • kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika
  • Bhramari

Benefits of heart by doing Pranayama

Some neutral factors such as hormones, body temperature, etc. play their role in controlling cardiovascular function. All these factors are related to the autonomic nervous system. Whose main job is to control systolic and diastolic blood pressure. An imbalance in any of these can cause heart diseases such as high BP, ischemia, and infection, etc. Come, let us know in detail the benefits of Pranayama for heart disease-

Lowers blood pressure

By doing Pranayama, the body gets to rest and feels very light. This reduces stress, which is the main reason for increasing blood pressure. Breathing techniques are associated with Pranayama, through which the nervous system is relaxed. This also reduces stress. This helps in blood pressure level balance. An increase in blood pressure is also the biggest risk factor for heart disease, but this danger can be avoided by Pranayama.

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Reduces stress

Taking more stress increases the risk of many diseases, one of which is heart disease. Mental health is also very bad due to stress. Pranayama reduces the stress response and increases the amount of oxygen in the body, which makes one feel very fresh and full of energy. By doing Pranayama, the mood also becomes happy and stress and anxiety are reduced. In this way, heart diseases caused due to mental problems can be avoided by doing pranayama.

Sleep quality increases

If there is no healthy sleep, then stress will increase. Due to this, the heart rate can also increase. This can cause irregular heartbeat and increase the risk of heart disease. Pranayama can balance the heart rate, as it involves a technique (bhramari) that slows down the breathing and heart rate. This also gives peace to the mind and the body gets ready to sleep. Therefore, this yoga can be done even before sleeping at night.

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Improves heart function

To avoid heart disease, it is necessary for the heart to work properly. The function of the heart can be increased by doing asanas like pranayama. If meditation is also done along with Pranayama continuously for 15 days, then all the functions of the heart will improve. If the age has increased above 40, then Pranayama must be done, so that the heart continues to function properly. By doing Pranayama, blockage in the heart can also be avoided.


Pranayama is beneficial not only for the heart but for the whole health. Obstacles in the heart can also be reduced through Pranayama. Pranayama reduces anxiety and increases mindfulness. Pranayama has also been suggested in Ayurveda. It only involves proper breathing techniques. Pranayama done early in the morning keeps the mind calm and the body relaxed throughout the day.