Last updated on 3rd Sep 2022 - By Dwayne Michaels
Most common symptoms of high mpv :
Left untreated, high mpv can cause many health problems, such as:

When your platelets are not working properly, you may have an increased risk of bleeding and bruising. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a machine-calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC.
MPV may be higher when there is destruction of platelets. The main function of platelets is to prevent excessive bleeding when we are injured. When you cut yourself, platelets stick together to plug the site of injury.
Thrombocythemia is a disease in which your bone marrow makes too many platelets. Less commonly, essential thrombocythemia may cause bleeding, especially if your platelet count is more than 1 million platelets per microliter of blood.


Weakness is a symptom of a number of different conditions and high MPV is one of them.
Weakness is a lack of physical or muscle strength and the feeling that extra effort is required to move your arms, legs, or other muscles. General weakness often occurs after you have done too much activity at one time, such as by taking an extra-long hike. You may feel weak and tired, or your muscles may be sore.
But weakness may be caused by another health problem such as high MPV.
Also Read : Can Low or High mpv cause Heart Problems?

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Dizziness or lightheadedness

High MPV may cause you to feel fatigued and lightheaded and to experience headaches and vision changes. It also increases your risk of blood clots.
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Dizziness is a symptom that often applies to a variety of sensations including lightheadedness and vertigo. Dizziness can also refer to disequilibrium or a non-specific feeling such as giddiness or foolishness.
A high MPV on its own is not informative enough and must be looked at in conjunction with other tests to diagnose platelet-associated conditions.
Some people may also experience sleeplessness due to the stress. Not getting enough sleep is linked to Heart attack, Depression, High Blood Pressure, Obesity and Diabetes. If you think you are having a sleep disorder, you can take this all natural nutritional supplement at night. It is considered the best way to fall asleep fast and it will also help reduce anxiety.
Chest pain

Chest pain can also be a cause of high MPV. Chest pain is pain or discomfort in the chest, typically the front of the chest. Chest pain may be described as sharp, dull, pressure, heaviness or squeezing.
Chest pain may present in different ways depending upon the underlying diagnosis, and abnormal MPV is one of the causes of chest pain.

Headache is frequently reported as one of the neurological manifestations of essential thrombocythaemia (ET). Thrombocythemia is a disease in which your bone marrow makes too many platelets.
The majority of headaches in ET are self-limiting and can be managed with standard headache therapies such as paracetamol, but it is vital that the clinician managing these conditions is able to recognise the headaches with a more sinister pathology.
Some other symptoms of high MPV are Numbness of hands or feet, Bloody stool, Nosebleeds, Bleeding in mouth or gums, Fainting, Redness/throbbing/burning pain in your feet or hands and Changes in vision
Also Read :How our patients treated their high mpv?

Receive world-class medical opinion about your high mpv levels over email.Upload blood test report now
Also Read : Mpv treatment
Are lab test results always right?
While they do have to meet very high standards, they can be wrong sometimes. For example, you might get a false positive (the results say you have the condition you were tested for, but you really dont) or a false negative (the results say you don’t have a condition, but you really do).
Lab test failures contribute to delayed or wrong diagnoses and unnecessary costs and care. For context, a 2014 study estimated that diagnostic errors happen about 12 million times per year in U.S. outpatients. This represents 1 in 20 adults. In case you think your blood test result doesn't make any sense, we recommend that you do the test again from HealthLabs as they perform testing using verified methods and they test blood only in the best CLIA certified labs. You won't need a doctor's referral or insurance.
Besides Lab test failures, there are many other reasons for inaccurate blood results. Know the common reasons for inaccurate blood test results?
Also Read : Can Low or High mpv cause Heart Problems?
Important note :
Please keep notes of the symptoms you are experiencing. These notes can help your doctor identify high mpv impact on your body. Keep the notes till the time you experience symptoms of high mpv and also keep a record of the following:
- Medications used for high mpv.
- The duration of symptoms.
- The intensity of the headache, if any.
- Fever logs and duration of the fever.
- The date you experienced high mpv symptoms for the first time.
- Side effects of the medicine you are experiencing, if any.
- The duration of the disease.

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