Last updated on 3rd Sep 2022 - By Dwayne Michaels
Most common symptoms of low tsh 3 :
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Tiredness
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Hair loss
- Elevated blood cholesterol level
- Dry skin
- Impaired memory
- Slowed heart rate
- Puffy face
- Low tolerance for cold temperatures
- Thinning hair
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Constipation
- Muscle weakness

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Also Read : Tsh 3 treatment
Are lab test results always right?
While they do have to meet very high standards, they can be wrong sometimes. For example, you might get a false positive (the results say you have the condition you were tested for, but you really dont) or a false negative (the results say you don’t have a condition, but you really do).
Lab test failures contribute to delayed or wrong diagnoses and unnecessary costs and care. For context, a 2014 study estimated that diagnostic errors happen about 12 million times per year in U.S. outpatients. This represents 1 in 20 adults. In case you think your blood test result doesn't make any sense, we recommend that you do the test again from HealthLabs as they perform testing using verified methods and they test blood only in the best CLIA certified labs. You won't need a doctor's referral or insurance.
Besides Lab test failures, there are many other reasons for inaccurate blood results. Know the common reasons for inaccurate blood test results?
Also Read : Can Low or High tsh 3 cause Heart Problems?
Important note :
Please keep notes of the symptoms you are experiencing. These notes can help your doctor identify low tsh 3 impact on your body. Keep the notes till the time you experience symptoms of low tsh 3 and also keep a record of the following:
- Medications used for low tsh 3.
- The duration of symptoms.
- The intensity of the headache, if any.
- Fever logs and duration of the fever.
- The date you experienced low tsh 3 symptoms for the first time.
- Side effects of the medicine you are experiencing, if any.
- The duration of the disease.

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