How Alexia Stuart treated high hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hemoglobin. 

Alexia Stuart here, and I'd want to talk about my experience dealing with high haemoglobin levels in my own life. It all started when I went for my annual checkup, anticipating a simple appointment. I had no idea that this visit would reveal a health issue that would necessitate major changes and the constant support of my loved ones.

I was anticipating and feeling anxious as I waited in the doctor's office expecting the results of my blood tests. I'd been having some worrying symptoms lately, such frequent headaches, exhaustion, and shortness of breath. Even though I had a nagging suspicion that something wasn't quite right, I made an effort to maintain my optimism.

They looked serious when the doctor finally entered. My haemoglobin level, which was 17.5, was excessive, they told me. I was shocked by that. I had always thought of myself as being in good health, so the news surprised me. High haemoglobin levels may be a sign of underlying illnesses such polycythemia vera or lung disease, the doctor added.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I experienced a storm of feelings as I left the doctor's office that day. I had many concerns regarding my health and the impact of this diagnosis on my daily life. I was aware that I had to act and seek additional advice in order to comprehend the underlying causes and create a strategy to control my excessive haemoglobin levels.

I undertook more examinations and meetings with experts over the ensuing few weeks to identify the underlying reason for my increased haemoglobin levels. My high haemoglobin was found to be predominantly caused by secondary erythrocytosis, a genetic propensity, after other diseases had been ruled out. Despite the fact that this diagnosis gave me some clarity, I was aware that controlling this ailment would be difficult.

My daily life started to be affected by the signs of high haemoglobin levels. It was challenging to carry out everyday responsibilities and take pleasure in the hobbies I used to love because of the regular headaches, exhaustion, and shortness. It was obvious that I had to act proactively to lessen the severity of these symptoms.

Contact a doctor

I began by drastically altering my lifestyle in an effort to lower my haemoglobin levels. Regular exercise was advised by my medical staff as a way to increase oxygen flow and decrease blood thickness. To gradually increase my stamina and general well-being, I started taking regular walks and doing easy cardio workouts. This not only assisted in lessening my symptoms but also improved my mood and energy levels.

Adopting a balanced diet was another crucial component in controlling my elevated haemoglobin levels. I concentrated on eating foods that thin the blood and lower the danger of blood clots. Fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains started to appear frequently in my meals, and I made a point of drinking lots of water all day long to stay hydrated.

My family was an essential part of my support system during this trying time. They helped me prioritise self-care, lent a listening ear, and offered words of encouragement when I felt down. Their constant support and understanding had a profound impact on my journey. To safeguard my health, we conducted joint research, went to doctor's visits together, and made the required changes.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I made lifestyle modifications as well as performed routine blood work and checkups to keep track of my haemoglobin levels and general health. This made it possible for my medical team to monitor my development and alter my treatment strategy as appropriate. The knowledge that I was actively controlling my health gave me a sense of security.

I noticed a progressive drop in my haemoglobin levels over time, thanks to a combination of lifestyle adjustments, medical advice, and family support. My energy levels increased, the headaches became less frequent, and I felt like I had control over my health again. Despite the fact that the road had its share of difficulties, I was able to develop my patience, my resilience, and my understanding of the value of a solid support network.

The value of telling our tales is the main lesson I've learned from this experience. By being honest about our health setbacks and triumphs, we open up a channel for others to learn, find comfort, and find inspiration. I urge everyone to share their stories in order to develop a sense of community and support as well as to increase awareness.

My haemoglobin levels are now within a healthy range, and I'm still living a happy life. I am thankful for the lessons this experience has taught me as well as for my family's and the medical staff's constant support. By working together, we can overcome health obstacles and encourage others to share their experiences, creating a community where we can all benefit from one another's knowledge and experiences.

Keep in mind that your health is a valuable asset, and that taking initiative to address any issues is a sign of your fortitude and resiliency. Accept the power of knowledge, make wise decisions, and look out for your wellbeing. The first step on your path to greater health is always the hardest.

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