How Benson Moss treated low mcv?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with low mcv. 

Benson Moss here, and I've been fighting a hard battle with low MCV levels. I had a regular blood test a few months ago, and that's when everything started. Because of the strains at work, I was already prone to anxiety, so learning that my MCV was 75.9 only made me more concerned.

Mean corpuscular volume, or MCV, is a metric for red blood cells' typical size. A low MCV value may be a sign of a number of underlying medical issues, including anaemia or vitamin deficiency. In my situation, it meant that my body was having a difficult time making healthy red blood cells, which helped to explain why I was always tired and had little energy.

The information that my MCV levels were low made me feel more anxious and worried. I saw that I was continually thinking about the worst-case situations and visualising various serious health problems that might be the root of this condition. I started to worry about every small pain or ache in my body because I thought it was an indication of something bigger and more serious.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

My increased anxiety started to have an impact on both my personal and professional life. My mind was always consumed with worries about my health and the possible repercussions of my low MCV levels, making it harder and harder for me to concentrate. Meeting work deadlines became a regular struggle, and straightforward tasks became onerous. My relationships with family members also weakened as a result of the constant weight of concern on my shoulders.

I made the conscious decision to regulate my low MCV levels because I understood the necessity to restore control. I decided to educate myself about this ailment and its potential therapies by doing my own research and information gathering. I made an appointment with my doctor in order to get advice, and he confirmed that I had a slight case of anaemia brought on by a lack of iron. She reassured me that I may recover my health with careful management because it was a common disease.

I set out on a mission to treat my low MCV levels armed with my doctor's advice. To increase my iron levels, doctors recommended iron supplements, and I made a conscious effort to eat foods high in iron, like leafy greens, red meat, and legumes. My body needed the nutrition it needed to generate healthy red blood cells, therefore feeding it those nutrients became a priority for me.

Contact a doctor

I addressed the physical element as well as stress management and self-care. I included mindfulness and meditation into my everyday practise to help me deal with my anxiety. Deep breathing exercises performed during brief breaks throughout the day helped reduce stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, I asked my loved ones for assistance. By being honest about my troubles with my closest friends and family, I was able to get their support and understanding, which turned out to be priceless sources of courage. Their reassurances that I should have patience with myself and put self-care first during this trying time were essential in my development.

I noticed gradual improvements over time. The persistent exhaustion started to fade as my energy levels increased. I recovered control over my life as the crippling anxiety that had dogged me started to lessen.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I started managing my low MCV levels as a regular part of my day. My blood levels were regularly checked to make sure that my MCV number was steadily moving towards a healthier range. Although there were hiccups along the way and the progression wasn't always easy, I never wavered in my dedication to my health and wellbeing.

I learned the value of resilience and self-compassion during this trip. Although managing low MCV levels was difficult, I learned from the experience to put my health first and pay attention to my body's cues. I also understood how important it is to have a solid support network and know when to ask for assistance.

My MCV levels are currently continuously rising. Even while I still experience periodic bouts of stress and anxiety, I am now stronger and more determined to deal with them. I was reminded of the value of self-care and resilience in the face of hardship by my experience with low MCV levels.

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