How Bentley Lloyd treated high ferritin?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ferritin.
My name is Bentley Lloyd, and after learning that I had high ferritin levels, I began a difficult health journey. My family was an important source of encouragement for me throughout this trying period as I dealt with the symptoms and looked for strategies to lower my ferritin number.
I first started having frequent headaches, joint discomfort, and unexplainable exhaustion. I initially blamed it on the stress of my hectic life, but when the symptoms persisted and started to interfere with my regular activities, I realised it was time to consult a doctor.
I scheduled a consultation with the kind and attentive doctor, Dr. Collins. I discussed my symptoms and worries with the consultant. Dr Collins ordered blood tests, including one to examine my ferritin levels, because she could tell it was significant.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
A few days later, I got a call from Dr. Collins' office telling me that my ferritin level was 700 nanograms per millilitre, which was noticeably increased. For women my age, the normal ferritin ranges from 12 to 150 nanograms per millilitre. I was overwhelmed, scared, and perplexed by the news.
High ferritin levels may be a sign of an underlying illness like hemochromatosis or iron overload, according to Dr. Collins. She advised more testing to identify the precise cause and create a suitable treatment strategy. She urged me to alter my lifestyle in the meantime to reduce symptoms and avoid problems.
The weeks that followed were difficult as I struggled with the symptoms. Joint pain hindered my mobility and made it difficult for me to focus on daily responsibilities, and fatigue made it difficult for me to enjoy my activities. I was determined, nevertheless, to not let these symptoms rule my life.

My family has always supported me, so I started a road of self-care and management. They developed became my rock-solid supporters, providing me with unwavering love, inspiration, and helpful advice at every turn. Together, we did research on the disease, went to doctor's appointments, and made the required adjustments to my daily schedule.
My diet underwent considerable changes, including a decrease in the amount of iron-rich foods like red meat and fortified cereals. Instead, I concentrated on including more whole grains, fruits, and veggies in my meals. This adjustment assisted efforts to reduce my ferritin levels and helped me control my iron consumption.
Regular exercise also become a crucial component of my daily routine. I participated in low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, and swimming despite experiencing joint pain. Exercise not only improved some of the symptoms, but it also improved my mood and general wellbeing.

I had therapeutic phlebotomy under the supervision of Dr. Collins to complement these dietary and lifestyle improvements. In order to lessen the iron overload in my body, this treatment required the evacuation of a little amount of blood. I was initially fearful of the blood draws, but with my family's constant support, I was able to muster the strength to undergo the required procedures.
My family has been my continual source of inspiration and focus during this journey. They offered me emotional support and let me know I wasn't fighting this battle alone. They provided support when they felt discouraged and rejoiced at each minor triumph along the way.
I noticed several improvements over time. My ferritin levels gradually fell, and my joint discomfort and fatigue both diminished. These advancements gave me hope and revived my resolve. Even while I still had occasional symptoms, they no longer significantly affected my day-to-day activities. I discovered the importance of self-care, paying attention to my body, and keeping a positive mindset.
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