How Edison Bender treated low vitamin b12?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with low vitamin b12.
I'm Edison Bender, and I'd want to relate my personal experience of receiving a low vitamin B12 diagnosis soon after getting married. With hope and excitement for our future together, it was a wonderful time in my life. However, my low vitamin B12 levels were unexpectedly found, which put a potential crimp in our blissful new marriage.
I started feeling constantly tired and generally uninspired as our marriage progressed. I initially blamed it on the transition to married life and the pressure of taking on additional duties. But as time passed, the tiredness continued and began to have an effect on my everyday activities and general wellbeing. I opted to consult a doctor because I was worried.
I was surprised to learn after a comprehensive examination and blood testing that my vitamin B12 levels were quite low, with a reading of 195. It was a moment of shock and perplexity. How could I, a young person who appears to be in good health, have such a deficiency? Both my partner and I experienced waves of anxiety and uncertainty as a result of the news.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
We started a journey to comprehend and treat my low vitamin B12 levels together. Since I had been living a vegetarian lifestyle, we started looking into the origins and implications of the deficiency in connection to vegetarian diets. We discovered that vegetarians are more likely to experience a B12 shortage and that animal-based items tend to contain more B12.
We consulted a dietician who specialised in vegetarian diets after arming ourselves with knowledge. Together, we came up with a strategy for including B12-rich foods in my regular diet and researching the best supplements to address the shortfall. I observed that vegetarians may find excellent supplies of vitamin B12 in fortified cereals, nutritional yeast, and plant-based milk substitutes.
My doctor suggested daily B12 injections in addition to dietary changes to quickly restore my reduced levels. I was uncomfortable with the concept of injections, but I understood their value and was prepared to accept them for the benefit of my health. Throughout the entire procedure, my spouse was at my side, providing unfailing support and inspiration.

I began to gradually notice changes in my energy levels and general wellbeing as time went on. I was able to fully participate in my regular activities and enjoy quality time with my spouse as the lingering exhaustion started to subside. Together, we set out on a culinary journey, learning new dishes that were packed with vitamin B12 and other necessary minerals.
Beyond the bodily changes, dealing with my vitamin B12 insufficiency turned into a chance for development and fortitude. I discovered the importance of prioritising self-care and putting my health first, not only for my own sake but also for the health of our marriage. My partner and I established a loving environment that encouraged my quest for improved health.
Looking back, I'm appreciative of the knowledge gained and the courage we developed by taking on this challenge together. My experience with low vitamin B12 levels has taught me the value of asking loved ones and medical professionals for assistance when facing health issues. It demonstrated to me the importance of open communication, support, and comprehension in marriages.

My vitamin B12 levels have dramatically increased as of late. I am able to live a bright and full life with my spouse because to ongoing dietary modifications and consistent supplements. Our marriage is based on a mutual resolve to overcome problems in life as a team as well as resiliency.
The most important lesson I took away from this experience is that with the correct help and pro-active healthcare, we can overcome obstacles and create a future full of love, power, and vitality.
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