How Raquel Guerra treated high mpv?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high mpv. 

I'm Raquel Guerra, and I've been battling the difficulties brought on by high MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) levels. This diagnostic, with a value of 15, has made my already demanding job much more difficult. This is the account of my battle with high MPV levels and the coping mechanisms I developed.

My work environment frequently increased my stress levels because I am inherently anxious. My mental and physical health suffered as a result of the demanding nature of my profession, frequent deadlines, and the pressure to perform well. Even though I was already anxious, learning that my MPV levels were increased made me even more concerned about my health.

The knowledge of my high MPV value contributed to my already existing concern. I spent a lot of time doing research to learn more about the disease and its possible effects. My worry increased when I realised that increased MPV levels might be a sign of underlying diseases or problems. However, I was aware that I had to take action to control my condition rather than allowing dread to overcome me.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The first and most important step was to consult a doctor. I made an appointment with a haematologist to talk about my worries and get more information about my situation. The haematologist noted that several variables, such as stress and inflammation, could cause MPV levels to change. Even though it was crucial to keep an eye on the levels, a single high reading did not always portend a serious health issue.

With this understanding, I made a commitment to take responsibility for my health and successfully reduce my high MPV levels. I started by putting self-care and stress reduction first. I made stress-reduction practises like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and taking frequent pauses during the workday to unwind and refocus part of my daily routine. I was able to recover control of my situation and get rid of the anxiety I had been experiencing because to my elevated MPV levels thanks to these techniques.

To improve my general health and lower my MPV levels, I also made considerable lifestyle and dietary adjustments. I embraced regular exercise and concentrated on fun activities like yoga and jogging. Exercise improved cardiovascular health and reduced stress, all of which may have a good effect on my platelet function.

Contact a doctor

Regarding my diet, I purposefully chose to eat foods high in nutrients that may lessen inflammation and support the health of my platelets. I reduced processed foods, refined sugars, and harmful fats while increasing my diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These dietary modifications intended to not only reduce my MPV levels but also to give my body the nutrition it needs to function at its best.

I contacted a specialist to help me further deal with my anxiety. I started seeing to a therapist who focused on anxiety treatment. I acquired coping skills, relaxation methods, and tactics to reframe unfavourable thoughts through therapy sessions. These strategies assisted me in overcoming my worries and anxieties related to my high MPV levels, letting me to concentrate on my overall mental health and wellbeing.

Family and friends' support was crucial to my journey. I relied on my loved ones and close friends for understanding and emotional support. They gave me a place where I could communicate my worries and fears without being judged. Their support and confidence in my capacity to succeed in this endeavour lessened some of the weight I was carrying.

anti inflammatory diet plan

We were able to monitor my MPV levels and make sure that no underlying medical issues were present thanks to routine visits with my haematologist. This constant monitoring and communication helped me stay encouraged and track my development over time.

It was obviously difficult to control high MPV levels while managing work-related anxiety, but with persistence and a proactive attitude, I started to see improvements. My MPV levels gradually began to stabilise, and my anxiety about the issue decreased. It was evidence of the value of taking care of oneself, managing stress, and getting help when required.

Today, I still place a great priority on my health and control my high MPV levels with a combination of a healthy lifestyle, stress management strategies, therapy, and routine medical checkups. I may still experience anxiety, but I've learned to face it head-on and not let it define who I am.

I've learned the value of self-advocacy, resilience, and achieving balance in many areas of life because to my experience with high MPV levels. It served as a reminder that despite the difficulties I may face, I have the fortitude and resolve to go through them. I'm appreciative of the life lessons I've picked up along the journey and the way this experience has helped me grow as a person.

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