How Anna Hayden treated high bilirubin total?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high bilirubin total. 

My name is Anna Hayden, and I recently turned 45 years old. I made the decision to have a thorough physical as an adult to make sure everything was in line. However, during what I had anticipated would be a normal appointment, elevated levels of bilirubin total were found.

I got a call from my doctor's office one bright morning with the results of my blood tests. My bilirubin total level was 1.33, which was higher than the typical range of 0.1 to 1.0 milligrammes per deciliter (mg/dL), according to the nurse on the other end of the telephone. I was shocked to hear this information, so I immediately started asking her a lot of questions to try to grasp what it meant for my health.

The nurse described bilirubin to me as a yellowish pigment created when red blood cells degrade. The liver breaks it down, and then the body gradually gets rid of it. However, a high bilirubin total level can point to a deeper problem with liver health or a faster rate of red blood cell lysis.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I asked my doctor for further information because I was so worried about everything. She reassured me that even while a single high bilirubin total level was not alarming, it did demand additional research. She suggested that I get more tests done in order to identify the reason of the elevation and create a proper treatment strategy.

I took my doctor's advise and undertook a battery of tests with a mixture of trepidation and resolve. These included an ultrasound to determine my liver's health, hepatitis screenings, and liver function testing. I endured agonising waiting times between testing as I anticipated the findings that would clarify my condition.

Weeks passed into days before the results were eventually available. I was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome after the testing, which is a reasonably common and benign illness characterised by increased levels of bilirubin. It was a huge relief to learn that my liver was healthy, there were no symptoms of liver disease, or other dangerous diseases.

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Gilbert's syndrome is a hereditary disorder that impairs the liver's capability to effectively handle bilirubin. Periodic rises in bilirubin levels are common in people with this syndrome and can be brought on by a number of things, including fasting, dehydration, stress, or illness.

I started a journey to monitor and treat my elevated bilirubin levels after learning this new information. Gilbert's syndrome has no known treatment, but modifying one's way of life can lessen the frequency and intensity of bilirubin surges.

I put my primary attention on eating a balanced diet and drinking enough water. I introduced foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins that are high in antioxidants and nutrients that support liver health. I also took sure to drink moderately because drinking too much alcohol can make liver-related problems worse.

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My daily schedule became completely dependent on regular exercise. Exercise not only boosted general liver health but also assisted me in managing stress. I made careful to keep up with my workouts by finding hobbies like walking, swimming, and yoga.

My bilirubin levels were much under control thanks to effective stress management. I started practising stress-relieving methods including deep breathing exercises, meditation, and taking up enjoyable hobbies. I sought to lessen potential bilirubin elevation triggers by lowering stress.

We came up with a proactive monitoring plan with my doctor. To make sure my bilirubin levels stayed within a safe range, I arranged routine visits and blood testing. This method gave me more control over my health and gave me confidence that I was doing everything I could to effectively manage my illness.

Living with high bilirubin levels has its difficulties, but it has also taught me important lessons about perseverance, self-care, and the value of standing up for my own health. It has served as a reminder to prioritise my health and choose a healthy lifestyle.

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