How Raelyn Bautista treated high bilirubin total?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high bilirubin total. 

My name is Raelyn Bautista, and shortly after being married, something unexpected happened in my life. I was eager to start this new chapter with my devoted companion, Mark, and I was filled with joy and excitement. I had no idea that elevated bilirubin total levels would provide us with a medical difficulty. Please allow me to describe my personal path through this unforeseen scenario.

I started having odd symptoms a few weeks after our wedding. I was exhausted, and I was often sick to my stomach. The whitening of my skin was what worried me the most. I told Mark I was confused and worried, and we both agreed it was time to get medical help.

I detailed my problems to Dr. Anderson, a caring and skilled doctor, who listened intently. After a thorough assessment, she made the decision to request a number of blood tests to further investigate the problem.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

A few days later, the test results showed a total bilirubin number of 7, which is much higher than the range that is considered normal. Bilirubin, a yellow pigment created after the destruction of red blood cells, was described by Dr. Anderson. Elevated levels may be a sign of liver disease or other underlying medical issues.

Mark and I were both taken aback by the information. We had hoped for a happy and carefree beginning to our marriage, but this unexpected health setback left us feeling uneasy and confused. Nevertheless, we made a decision to take on this issue head-on and assist one another along the road.

Dr. Anderson suggested additional tests to find out what was causing my increased bilirubin levels. To learn more about the health of my liver and general wellbeing, I underwent more blood tests, an abdominal ultrasound, and liver function testing. There was a mix of trepidation and anticipation as they awaited the results.

Contact a doctor

Dr. Anderson made the time to get down with us and go through the findings once we received the results. The anomalies found in the liver function tests suggested possible liver dysfunction. Further research was required after the ultrasound indicated evidence of inflammation. Dr. Anderson suggested we consult a hepatologist, a specialist who may offer more specialised knowledge about my situation.

The moment we met with Dr. Ramirez, the hepatologist, was a turning point in our journey. He carefully examined my test findings, symptoms, and medical history before sharing his concerns with us. My increased bilirubin levels, in Dr. Ramirez's opinion, may have been brought on by an underlying liver condition. He suggested a liver biopsy to confirm his concerns and create an effective treatment strategy.

Although it was unsettling, we knew that a liver biopsy was necessary to determine the underlying source of my problem. I decided to go ahead with the treatment, putting my faith in Dr. Ramirez's knowledge, with a mixture of apprehension and hope.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I was diagnosed with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), an inflammatory disease that affects the bile ducts in the liver, after the liver biopsy findings supported Dr. Ramirez's assumptions. Although the news was shocking, it gave our path a sense of clarity and focus. Dr. Ramirez outlined how controlling PBC and averting further liver damage depended on early detection and treatment.

To control my symptoms and slow the progression of PBC, Dr. Ramirez suggested medication. He emphasised the significance of following the recommended course of treatment and going in for routine check-ups to keep an eye on my liver function and general health. He also suggested adding a healthy diet and exercise to my regimen to assist my liver and general wellbeing.

Our daily lives needed to be adjusted as a result of having PBC. I had to learn to pace myself and put self-care first because fatigue became a frequent companion. Mark proved to be a constant source of love and support, going with me to appointments, looking into options for therapy, and offering emotional support through the most trying times.

My bilirubin levels eventually started to drop with patience, persistence, and encouragement from loved ones. Regular visits to Dr. Ramirez revealed encouraging indicators of improving liver health, and the yellowing of my skin gradually subsided.

Although coping with PBC is a lifetime of effort, we approach each day with optimism and appreciation. Mark and I have discovered the value of living in the moment, appreciating the little successes, and finding joy in everyday activities. This experience has deepened our love for one another and taught us the value of resiliency, unconditional love, and unflinching support in difficult times.

We are still hopeful about the future of PBC medical research and treatments. We work to spread knowledge about this illness while providing assistance and inspiration to those who might be travelling a similar path.

Elevated bilirubin levels were unforeseen difficulties for us as newlyweds, but they have now become a part of our story, demonstrating our resilience, love, and the strength of sticking together through hardship.

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