How Lilyana Copeland treated high rdw sd?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw sd. 

Lilyana Copeland here, and during a routine medical examination, my life took an unexpected turn. My RDW-SD value was disturbingly high at 54.3, my doctor told me. I had no idea that this would be the start of a difficult path towards improved health.

I was worried and anxious after hearing the news. RDW-SD, which stands for Red Cell Distribution Width Standard Deviation and assesses the size variation of red blood cells, was defined by the doctor. A greater result denoted a lack of size homogeneity, which could signal a number of underlying health problems.

To ascertain the reason for the high RDW-SD, the doctor advised additional research. I underwent a number of tests over the following few weeks, including blood work, bone marrow biopsies, and genetic testing. Although the anxiety and excitement were overpowering, I stayed upbeat and proactive throughout the procedure.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I received the results at last, which showed that I had iron deficient anaemia. When the body doesn't have enough iron to make healthy red blood cells, this disease develops. I was glad to have an answer, but now I needed to figure out how to reduce my RDW-SD value and deal with the underlying problem.

My doctor proposed a multifaceted strategy to treat my issue. My first priority was to increase my intake of iron through diet and supplementation. I made sure to include items high in iron in my diet, such as leafy greens, lean meats, and fortified cereals. I also took the iron supplements my doctor advised me to take to hasten the process of my body replenishing its iron stores.

In addition, I altered my lifestyle to better my body's ability to absorb iron. I discovered that vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron, so I started eating more citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers. I also avoided drinking coffee or tea with my meals that were high in iron because these substances can prevent the absorption of iron.

Contact a doctor

Exercise became a crucial component of my quest for better health. My workout intensity progressively rose after I began with easy aerobic routines. Exercise helped me become more physically fit overall and encouraged my body to produce more red blood cells. Despite the difficulties, I remained adamant about moving on.

I often had blood tests to track my RDW-SD value and iron levels to follow my development. The numbers started to rise steadily. My RDW-SD value began to drop, which showed that my red blood cells were sizing more consistently. This was a modest win that gave me the drive to carry on with my efforts.

Along with receiving medical care, I also sought the advice of a nutritionist who assisted me in creating a well-rounded, iron-rich meal plan. The nutritionist emphasised the significance of a balanced diet that included not only iron but also other necessary elements for the development of healthy blood cells, such as folate and vitamin B12.

anti inflammatory diet plan

My efforts were successful after a lot of time, effort, and hard work. My RDW-SD score improved significantly, going from 54.3 to 42.7 over time. My iron levels were also within the usual range, showing that my body was at last obtaining the resources it required for the creation of healthy red blood cells.

I was very relieved to learn that my RDW-SD number has increased back to a healthier range. Though I still have a ways to go, I am steadfast and full of hope. I am grateful for the human body's adaptability and the ability to exert personal control over our health.

I now give my health top priority by eating a balanced diet, exercising consistently, and keeping track of my blood tests. Iron deficiency anaemia and high RDW-SD values have taught me the value of being proactive in maintaining my health and taking control of my well-being.

I am convinced that with the help of my healthcare team and the resources at my disposal, I can keep moving in the direction of greater health and have a happy life.

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