How Madisyn Tang treated high alt sgpt?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high alt sgpt.
My name is Madisyn Tang, and I just returned from a trip that had a completely unexpected twist. I was enjoying my time off from work when I started to feel strange symptoms, which prompted me to go to the doctor. I had no idea that this trip would reveal high ALT levels and usher in a brand-new era of difficulties in my life.
I began to have chronic weariness and a dull aching in the upper right side of my abdomen while on vacation. I made the choice to go to a nearby clinic for a blood test because I was worried about these symptoms. I was shocked to see that the findings showed high ALT levels, measuring at 79. Elevated levels of ALT, a liver-specific enzyme, can signify liver inflammation or injury.
My surprise at the news was great. I was expecting to have a carefree and relaxing vacation, but instead I was faced with a possible health problem. I instantly became anxious as I thought about the reasons for the elevated ALT levels and what they might mean for my general health.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
Despite being away from home, I made it a point to consult a nearby healthcare expert. I made a consultation with a gastroenterologist to learn more about my illness and investigate any probable causes of the elevated ALT levels.
The physician outlined a number of potential causes of high ALT values, including viral infections, alcohol use, specific drugs, and liver conditions such non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The doctor performed a thorough assessment, taking into account my symptoms, my previous experiences, any dietary or lifestyle changes, and more.
My doctor had a strong suspicion that my increased ALT levels were most likely caused by NAFLD after a comprehensive examination and additional tests. When too much fat builds up in the liver, it can result in this disorder, which can cause irritation and even damage. The doctor emphasised that altering my way of life will be crucial to managing and treating my disease.

Armed with this information, I set out on a quest to treat my high ALT (SGPT) levels and enhance the health of my liver. My diet underwent a lot of adjustments as the initial phase. I created a well-balanced meal plan with the help of a nutritionist that emphasised whole foods, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. I cut back on processed meals, sweetened beverages, and saturated fats in an effort to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
My schedule became completely dependent on regular exercise. I was able to mix cardiovascular exercises and strength training by participating in activities I enjoyed, like hiking, swimming, and cycling. This combination improved general fitness and liver health in addition to helping with weight management.
Another critical component was addressing alcohol use. I didn't consider myself a strong drinker, but I knew that even a little bit of alcohol could aggravate liver problems. I made the conscious choice to reduce and finally stop drinking alcohol, giving my liver the best chance to recover.

In addition to making lifestyle adjustments, I kept in regular contact with my doctor to track my ALT levels and overall development. We came up with a strategy that includes regular imaging scans, blood testing, and conversations regarding new symptoms or worries. This close working relationship with my healthcare provider gave me direction and assurance all along the way.
The ability to control my stress was crucial to my recuperation. I practised stress-relieving methods like deep breathing exercises, meditation, and participating in enjoyable hobbies. I wanted to lessen the strain on my liver and lead a healthy lifestyle by actively controlling stress.
My ALT levels gradually started to reduce over time, which was a sign that my liver health was improving. I still consider a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and stress reduction methods to be vital aspects of my life. I've learned to pay attention to my body, weigh my options carefully, and take a balanced approach to my health and wellbeing.