How Rogelio Henry treated high alt sgpt?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high alt sgpt.
Rogelio Henry - I recently learned some worrying information about my health. I make it a point to have a blood test every year as part of my proactive approach to healthcare. The findings for this year, however, showed a surprising finding: my ALT levels were elevated and measured at 95. I was stunned by this realisation, which set off a difficult road to control and lower my high ALT levels.
I have always emphasised routine check-ups and screenings because I believe in preventive healthcare. I learned about the unexpected rise in my ALT levels during one of these periodic blood tests. Elevated levels of ALT, an enzyme mostly present in the liver, may signify liver inflammation or injury.
I experienced apprehension and uncertainty about my health after learning that my ALT levels were excessive. I made an effort to live a healthy lifestyle, but this outcome made me wonder what might have caused this change and what I should do to properly address it.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist right away to learn more about the possible causes of my increased ALT levels and to create a strategy for managing them.
During our conversation, the physician described the many causes of increased ALT readings, such as viral infections, excessive alcohol intake, specific drugs, or underlying liver disorders. The doctor performed a thorough assessment, looking into my medical history, lifestyle decisions, and recent changes in order to pinpoint the precise problem.
My doctor believed that my increased ALT levels were mostly caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) based on the evaluation and additional testing. When fat builds up in the liver, it causes inflammation and possibly even liver damage. The doctor emphasised the value of changing my lifestyle to control and treat my disease.

Armed with this information, I set out on a quest to treat my high ALT (SGPT) levels and enhance the health of my liver. I sought the advice of a trained dietician, who assisted me in developing a specialised meal plan designed to hydrate my liver and advance general health.
Incorporating entire foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats was the main goal of my new dietary strategy. I cut back on the amount of processed meals, sweetened beverages, and saturated fats I consumed while also paying more attention to portion control and nutritional balance.
I made dietary adjustments as well as frequent exercise part of my routine. Jogging, swimming, and yoga were some of the activities I enjoyed doing to be active and support my general fitness. Regular exercise promoted greater liver function in addition to aiding in weight management.

My journey also became critically dependent on me dealing with my drinking. Although I never thought of myself as a heavy drinker, I realised that even a moderate amount of alcohol could aggravate my illness by causing liver inflammation. I consciously decided to cut down on my alcohol consumption and finally stop drinking it altogether.
Open and frequent communication with my healthcare practitioner was essential throughout the process. I made follow-up appointments to keep track on my ALT levels and general development. To monitor changes in my liver function and rule out any underlying issues, the doctor performed routine blood tests and various exams.
In my quest for greater health, managing stress was also crucial. I started incorporating methods for reducing stress like deep breathing exercises, meditation, and partaking in enjoyable pursuits. By doing this, I was able to improve my mental and emotional well-being and spare my liver some stress.
I noticed favourable changes in my ALT levels over time, a sign of better liver health. I made success by changing my diet, exercising frequently, drinking less alcohol, and using stress-reduction strategies. Every follow-up visit gave me confidence and inspiration to keep working hard.
I remained committed to improving my lifestyle and maintaining my health despite the hurdles the path offered. I was aware that progress would take time and effort, and that this was a long-term commitment.
My ALT readings have dramatically dropped today, indicating better liver health. To preserve my general health, I continue to place a high priority on a balanced diet, consistent exercise, stress reduction, and frequent checkups.
My battle with high ALT levels has taught me the value of watchfulness, self-care, and the effectiveness of lifestyle modifications. I am appreciative of the chance to take charge of my health and make decisions that will promote my wellbeing. I've learnt to pay attention to my body, change my habits, and adopt a healthy lifestyle as a result of this experience.