How Capri Berry treated high cholesterol?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high cholesterol.
Capri Berry here, and I have learned some worrying information about my health. I've always placed a high priority on living a healthy lifestyle, so I was shocked to learn during my annual blood test that my cholesterol levels had risen to a concerning figure of 233. This realisation signalled the start of a difficult path to manage my excessive cholesterol and recover control over my health.
Since I was committed to preserving my general health, I had made it a practise to get frequent blood testing. These exams were a crucial monitoring and early intervention tool for my health. But this year's results surprised me, leaving me to wonder where I might have lagged behind in my efforts to maintain good health.
I made the decision to put my attention on comprehending the variables causing my elevated cholesterol levels and taking proactive measures to manage them successfully rather than focusing on my dismay.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
My initial course of action was to consult a qualified medical expert. I made a consultation with a skilled physician who specialises in cardiovascular health. In addition to lifestyle factors like diet and exercise, the doctor emphasised that heredity can also affect cholesterol levels. With this knowledge, we created a thorough strategy to deal with my elevated cholesterol.
Dietary changes became a top priority. I carefully examined my eating patterns and noted what needed to change. I cut out processed and high-fat items from my diet in favour of lean proteins, healthy foods, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Since they are known to help lower cholesterol levels, whole grains and meals high in fibre take front stage.
I restricted my diet of saturated and trans fats to further lower my cholesterol levels. Leaner protein sources, such as poultry, fish, and lentils, took the place of foods like red meat, full-fat dairy items, and fried snacks. I also adopted better fats from foods like avocados, almonds, and olive oil because they are known to lower cholesterol levels.

I also paid great attention to portion control and made sure to pay attention to my body's signals of hunger and fullness. I tried to keep a healthy weight by eating reasonable portions at my regular meals and included healthy snacks like raw veggies, fresh fruit, and unsalted almonds.
I modified my fitness programme in addition to making nutritional adjustments. Knowing how important exercise is for controlling cholesterol levels, I started including regular aerobic workouts like jogging, cycling, and brisk walking into my routine to strengthen my heart. To increase muscle development, speed up metabolism, and help with weight management—all of which help lower cholesterol—strength training routines were included.
I attended fitness courses and sought the advice of a personal trainer to keep my motivation and accountability high. These steps not only made working out more pleasurable, but they also gave me professional advice on how to get the most out of my workouts.

Along with changing my food and getting more exercise, I also changed my way of living to help me manage my cholesterol. Deep breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation became regular practises for reducing stress. As getting enough sleep is important for general health, setting a goal of seven to eight hours every night has become crucial.
Regularly checking my cholesterol readings became a crucial part of my journey. I set up follow-up visits with my doctor so I could monitor my progress and make any required changes to my treatment strategy. To supplement my lifestyle improvements and achieve ideal cholesterol readings, medication was occasionally prescribed. I strictly followed the prescription schedule because I understood how important it was for managing my overall health.
Despite the discipline and dedication required to control high cholesterol levels, I was lucky to have a solid support network. My family and friends supported me in making healthier lifestyle choices and joined me in doing so. Together, we participated in physical activity, ate wholesome meals, and celebrated each success as it was made.
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