How Noelle Knight treated high cholesterol?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high cholesterol.
Noelle Knight, a high school student, is who I am. When I was 16 years old, my cholesterol level was unexpectedly found to be 205, which is higher above the range that is considered to be appropriate for someone my age. I was surprised by the diagnosis because I had always thought of myself as a healthy, active person. I was shocked to learn that young people like me could have high cholesterol.
I had not noticed any telltale signs of high cholesterol before the diagnosis. I kept a healthy diet, exercised regularly, and watched my weight. I was confused and worried about the long-term effects of my increased cholesterol levels after learning the news.
My doctor spent time discussing the importance of cholesterol and how it affects general health. I discovered that higher levels of LDL cholesterol, a type of high cholesterol, can cause plaque to build up in the arteries, raising the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
My top objective changed from treating my elevated cholesterol to figuring out its underlying causes. I immersed myself in study, educated myself on nutritional options, risk factors, and cholesterol. I learned the value of a heart-healthy diet and the necessity of reducing saturated fats and foods high in cholesterol.
With this information in hand, I significantly altered my dietary habits. I concentrated on eating fewer processed and fried foods as well as foods high in saturated fats, while increasing the amount of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in my meals. I chose healthier cooking techniques like baking, grilling, or steaming, as well as lean protein sources like fish, poultry, and lentils.
I had particular difficulties with my eating as a student. I took matters into my own hands by bringing my lunches and snacks because the school cafeteria frequently lacked nutritious selections. I made homemade sandwiches on whole-grain bread in place of sugary snacks, swapped out sweets for fresh fruit, and added yoghurt and almonds to my meals to make them more wholesome.

I became more diligent about include exercise in my regular routine in addition to making food modifications. Even though I was already active in sports, I became aware of the need of regular physical activity outside of team practises and competitions. I made time each day to practise hobbies I enjoyed, including yoga, cycling, and jogging. Regular exercise improved my general cardiovascular health, gave me a sense of empowerment, and assisted in lowering LDL cholesterol levels.
My family was a vital part of my support system during this journey. They assisted me with meal planning and made sure that our family's meals complemented my health objectives. They also encouraged and supported my dietary modifications. They joined me in experimenting with new dishes and substitutions that were savoury and advantageous for controlling cholesterol.
In addition, my parents supported a healthy lifestyle by creating a supportive environment. They supported my efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, joined me on walks or bike rides, and acknowledged all of my accomplishments, no matter how minor. They never wavered in their support, and it made a big difference in my path. I will always be grateful for their inspiration.

My efforts eventually began to pay off. My cholesterol levels gradually improved over time, according to subsequent check-ups. My cholesterol level fell to a healthier range after several months of commitment and self-control, and I became more assured in my capacity to efficiently manage my health.
It was absolutely unexpected to receive a high cholesterol diagnosis at such a young age, but it changed the course of my life. It made me see how crucial it is to maintain control over my health, especially in the face of unforeseen difficulties. I not only controlled my cholesterol levels via self-education, dietary modifications, consistent exercise, and the constant support of my family, but I also created lifelong habits for a healthier future.
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