How Helen Clements treated high hba1c?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hba1c. 

Helen Clements : I'd want to tell you all my story of receiving a high HbA1c diagnosis not long after getting married. It was an unexpected shock that put my physical and emotional health to the test, but with persistence and my spouse's help, I was able to overcome the difficulties and take back control of my health.

My husband and I were eager to start a new life together after our lovely wedding. We imagined a future bursting with love, joy, and shared experiences. We had no idea that a health condition would soon throw a wrench in our plans and test our fortitude.

My doctor gave me some unexpected news during a routine check-up. My HbA1c level was 7.5, which is elevated and indicates a prediabetes diagnosis. It was like a sudden wind gust that took my breath away. How is this possible? I had no family history of diabetes, and I was young. We were confused by the news and worried about the future.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

We agreed as a newlywed pair to take on this endeavour jointly. Mark, my husband, developed become my steadfast rock. We set out on a journey to comprehend the condition and implement the essential lifestyle adjustments to effectively manage it.

As our first step, education was taken. We looked for details on prediabetes, including its causes, potential problems, and preventative measures. Knowing what to do gave us the confidence to take charge of the situation.

Our diet came into focus now. We were aware of the importance of eating a balanced diet and making better food choices. We created a dietary strategy that emphasises whole foods, portion control, and mindful eating under the direction of a certified dietitian. Together, we increased the amount of fresh produce in our meals and decreased the amount of processed foods and added sugars we consumed.

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Even though it wasn't always simple, we helped one another through temptations and frustrating times. Social events were opportunities to exercise self-control and make thoughtful decisions. Together, we experimented with new recipes, enjoyed cooking, and looked into healthier options.

Our daily routines began to include regular physical exertion. We adopted exercise as a way to enhance our general well-being and successfully control our blood sugar levels. Whether it was taking brisk walks around the neighbourhood or signing up for fitness courses, we found that working out as a pair not only improved our physical health but also grew our relationship. We supported and inspired one another, marking progress and victories along the way.

Stress control and putting self-care first became essential components of our path. We incorporated relaxation techniques into our daily lives after realising that stress could affect blood sugar levels. We looked at mindfulness techniques to find balance and calm despite the stresses of daily life, such deep breathing and meditation.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Our families' support was crucial throughout this time. They enthusiastically adopted our new lifestyle choices and educated themselves on prediabetes and diabetes to provide us the support and knowledge we needed. Their support and kindness served as continuous reminders that we were not travelling alone.

My healthcare provider visits become a focus on a regular basis. These meetings allowed us to keep track of my development and modify my treatment plan as needed. I was able to better grasp my problem and receive the appropriate medical interventions thanks to my doctor's advice and experience.

Our commitment to leading a better lifestyle eventually paid off. My HbA1c values showed a decreased trend over time, which indicated better blood sugar management. It served as a tribute to our dedication, effort, and the life-changing decisions we made.

My experience with prediabetes has taught me how to be resilient and how crucial it is to view obstacles as chances for improvement. It strengthened our relationship and taught us the importance of sticking by one another no matter what. Today, we still place a high priority on maintaining our health and making decisions that will improve our overall wellbeing.

Being told that we had prediabetes was a wake-up call, but it also spurred us to make changes for the better in our life. It showed us how important it is to actively manage our health and make thoughtful choices. I am thankful for the newfound awareness, love, and support that have moulded our lives for the better even though the trip has had its ups and downs.

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