How Aviana Wiley treated high ggt?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ggt.
My name is Aviana Wiley, and I'd want to talk about my experience dealing with high GGT levels in my own life. I had been doing a yearly blood test to check on my health for years. I was shocked to learn that this year's findings showed elevated GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) levels, though.
I made an appointment with my doctor right after because I was worried and wanted to understand the ramifications of these high numbers. She clarified that the enzyme GGT, which is largely present in the liver, can act as a sign of liver disease or injury. In order to determine the underlying cause, more testing were required.
I was inspired to take charge of my health, so I started a voyage of study, consulting with doctors, and getting in touch with people who had experienced same difficulties. I quickly understood that controlling high GGT levels required a comprehensive strategy.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I first concentrated on changing my diet to promote the health of my liver. I chose to eat a diet high in nutrients, focusing on entire foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. I cut back on the amount of processed foods, sugar, and bad fats I ate. Water consumption played a significant role in maintaining proper hydration, which in turn supported liver function.
I started included regular exercise in my daily routine because I realised how important it is to be physically active. Exercises I enjoyed, including jogging, swimming, and cycling, not only helped me keep a healthy weight, but they also improved my general wellbeing, which included the health of my liver.
The use of alcohol was another factor that I carefully considered. Although I had never been a heavy drinker, I was aware that even a small amount of alcohol might have an effect on GGT levels. I consequently decided to limit my alcohol usage to special occasions and opt for healthier options for regular hydration.

After learning that stress may have a negative effect on liver health, managing stress became a top goal. I started using various stress-reduction strategies, including deep breathing exercises, meditation, and engaging in enjoyable hobbies. Prioritising self-care and striking a balance between work and personal obligations helped people reduce their overall stress.
I followed my doctor's instructions and performed additional testing to rule out any underlying liver issues or disorders in addition to making lifestyle changes. These examinations included imaging scans, liver function panels, and checks for viral hepatitis. Fortunately, these tests showed no evidence of liver problems, reassuring me that my elevated GGT levels were probably caused by lifestyle choices.
My dedication to leading a better lifestyle eventually produced fruitful outcomes. My GGT levels significantly improved over time, which was confirmed by routine blood tests to check on the condition of my liver. I was inspired to keep up the adjustments I had made after seeing the fruit of my labours.