How Dalary Vega treated high fasting blood sugar?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high fasting blood sugar.
This is the account of my personal experience from receiving a diagnosis of high fasting blood sugar to effectively managing and lowering it. My name is Dalary Vega. It all started one day when I got some surprising news after a normal medical checkup.
I thought myself rather healthy at the age of 40. I led an active lifestyle, ate a healthy diet, and didn't have any serious health problems. However, after reviewing the results of my blood test, the doctor let me know that my fasting blood sugar level was 130. This startling realisation made it clear that I needed to handle this situation right away.
The news initially left me feeling bewildered and overburdened. The consequences of elevated fasting blood sugar and its relationship to illnesses like diabetes weren't quite clear to me. I made the decision to educate myself about the issue and adopt the necessary lifestyle modifications rather than give in to dread.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I started by consulting with medical experts, such as doctors, dietitians, and diabetes educators. They discussed the need of following a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and keeping an eye on blood sugar levels. After learning how important a balanced diet is for controlling blood sugar levels, I began include more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats in my meals. I also made a point of consuming fewer processed foods and foods high in sugar.
In addition, I started a new fitness regimen that included both strength training exercises and a range of exercises like jogging, cycling, and swimming. Along with managing blood sugar levels, regular exercise also improves general health and wellbeing. I like keeping active and pushing my body, so it became a crucial part of my everyday routine.
I spent money on a glucose metre so that I could manage and monitor my blood sugar levels. I was able to use this equipment to frequently monitor my levels and adapt my lifestyle based on the results. I kept a journal throughout the day to note my moods, food, workouts, and general health. I was able to see patterns and learn how various circumstances impacted my blood sugar levels thanks to this practise.

I saw several good changes as time went on. I worked diligently and consistently, and my fasting blood sugar levels gradually dropped. It served as a witness to the effectiveness of lifestyle changes and the significance of exercising personal responsibility for my health.
I placed a high priority on stress reduction in addition to food adjustments and exercise. I used relaxation methods like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and participating in activities that made me happy because prolonged stress can negatively affect blood sugar levels. My self-care routine now includes activities like painting and spending time with loved ones.
I learned about my inner strength and my loved ones' support along this journey. They helped me through the ups and downs by giving me inspiration and understanding. Sharing my experience with them additionally contributed to a greater understanding of the value of preserving a healthy lifestyle.

As the months went by, I had frequent check-ups with my medical staff, and I was thrilled to see how far I had come. My blood sugar levels during a fast steadily decreased to a healthier range. It served as a monument to the strength of willpower, education, and way of life adjustments.
My fasting blood sugar level is still constant and within a healthy range now, years after my diagnosis. I'm still keeping a close eye on it, eating well, exercising, and efficiently handling stress. I am happy of the advancements I have made, and my experience has taught me that taking responsibility for my health is a lifetime commitment.
My experience has also inspired me to help those who are dealing with similar difficulties. I regularly participate in diabetes awareness campaigns, telling my experience and helping people in need while doing so. Knowing that my path has the potential to improve the lives of others makes me very happy.
To sum up, receiving a diagnosis of high fasting blood sugar served as a wake-up call and sent me on a transforming path. I was able to lower my fasting blood sugar levels to a healthier range through education, lifestyle changes, and steadfast resolve. It acts as a daily reminder that we can overcome any health condition and have full, active lives with the appropriate attitude and support.
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