How Jordan Parrish treated high fasting blood sugar?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high fasting blood sugar.
My name is Jordan Parrish, and I've been battling high fasting blood sugar levels constantly. Due to the rigours of my job, I am a young professional who is used to managing anxiety. But learning that my fasting blood sugar number routinely measures at 250 has only added to my already stressful and worried life.
During a normal check-up a few months ago, my odyssey started. The doctor ordered a number of blood tests, one of which was to check my fasting blood sugar levels. I recognised the importance of checking my blood sugar because diabetes runs in my family. However, I was surprised by the results, which showed a stunningly high number.
I experienced a surge of panic and worry after learning this information. I was preoccupied with worry about the potential effects on my health. Am I going to get diabetes? What effects would this have on my already demanding way of life? I felt overwhelmed as the anxiety I had been handling suddenly became worse.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I was determined to take charge of my condition, so I immediately sought medical advice. I made an appointment with a doctor who informed me that my elevated fasting blood sugar levels were a sign of pre-diabetes. The fact that I hadn't yet developed full-blown diabetes was a relief, but I realised I needed to take action right away to stop it from progressing.
My diet needed to be modified as the first step. I consulted a nutritionist for advice, and she helped me come up with a diet plan that emphasised balanced nutrition and quantity control. I had to cut back on the amount of sugary and processed meals I ate, making the decision to replace them with fresh produce, healthy grains, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables. In order to make educated decisions, I also learned to pay closer attention to food labels and the glycemic index of different foods.
I started incorporating exercise into my regular regimen. Even though I had always exercised in some capacity, I now had to be more deliberate about it. I scheduled frequent workouts that included both aerobic and strength training. Exercise helped me manage my blood sugar levels and gave me a healthy outlet for my anxieties. It turned into a way for me to get comfort and restore control over my health.

Another critical component of my journey became having effective stress management. When I realised that my anxiety was making my blood sugar levels worse, I looked for healthy coping strategies. I started practising mindfulness and meditation, setting aside time every day to still my thoughts and find inner tranquilly. I was able to stay grounded and present by pursuing interests and pastimes that made me happy, including hiking and drawing.
My doctor also recommended using medication to control my blood sugar levels in addition to these lifestyle modifications. The drug helped me maintain healthier fasting blood sugar values by working in conjunction with my newly adopted healthier lifestyle. My doctor could track my development and make any required adjustments thanks to frequent checkups.
I noticed several constructive changes over time. I began to notice a stabilisation in my fasting blood sugar levels and a greater sense of control over my health. I noticed a steady reduction in the worry that had formerly engulfed me and a renewed sense of resilience and power.

Although I still battle with high fasting blood sugar levels, I no longer identify with that problem. Instead, it has served as a motivator for progress and a reminder to give self-care top priority. I've found a balance that works for me through healthy eating, exercise, stress reduction, and medicine.
With newfound vigour and tenacity, I continue to face the challenges of my hard career today. Even though my high fasting blood sugar levels may have initially made me feel more anxious, they have also helped me realise how important self-care is and shown me how strong the human spirit is. I have the information and resources necessary to enjoy a healthy and full life, so I am confident in my capacity to meet any obstacle that comes my way.
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