How Elliott Hood treated high alkaline phosphatase?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high alkaline phosphatase.
Elliott Hood here, and when I made the decision to shift careers, that's when my battle with elevated alkaline phosphatase levels started. I had a full blood examination as part of the pre-employment process in the hopes of receiving a clear report. My alkaline phosphatase level, which was measured by the blood test, was found to be significantly increased at 125, which is well above the usual limit. This surprising discovery made my excitement for the new work seem dubious and caused me to worry about my health.
I immediately made a doctor's appointment since I needed clarification and confirmation. Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is present in a number of bodily organs, including the liver, bones, and bile ducts, as I discovered during our consultation. Alkaline phosphatase levels that are elevated can be an indication of various underlying diseases, including liver or bone illness.
I was anxious and overwhelmed by the news. My head was filled with a lot of questions. Could it possibly be a dangerous ailment? How would it affect my capacity to work and follow my aspirations, as well as the rest of my life?
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I set out on a long study journey to comprehend alkaline phosphatase and its potential causes since I was determined to gain control of the problem. I researched extensively in the medical literature and talked to reliable sources. In my research, I found that elevated levels of this enzyme can be caused by a variety of conditions, including liver disease, gallbladder problems, bone diseases, and even some drugs. I made a list of queries and issues to bring up with my doctor during the follow-up session after doing some research.
My doctor prescribed more tests to identify the precise reason behind my increased alkaline phosphatase levels on the future appointment. To rule out any potential underlying diseases, I underwent a thorough liver panel, bone scans, and other diagnostic tests. It was nerve-racking to wait for the findings, but I tried to stay optimistic and concentrated on making proactive improvements to my health.
I started making lifestyle adjustments to help my body's natural healing processes while I awaited the test results. I adopted a healthier diet, consuming fewer processed foods and saturated fats while consuming an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. I started engaging in regular exercise, such as yoga and jogging, to increase my general level of fitness and fortify my bones.

The high alkaline phosphatase levels were explained by the test results, which eventually showed a mild case of fatty liver disease. Although the diagnosis was alarming, it served as a reminder for me to put my health first and make other lifestyle changes.
I created a tailored treatment plan in close consultation with my doctor. The strategy called for dietary adjustments, including a decrease in my intake of sugar and alcohol as well as whole grains and liver-supporting foods like green leafy vegetables. My doctor also suggested a number of supplements, including milk thistle, which is well-known for its liver-protective qualities.
My alkaline phosphatase levels progressively began to drop over time with constant effort and the help of my medical team. It was a gradual process, but each advancement strengthened my will to keep going.

I have a deep understanding of the value of supporting one another and exchanging experiences during my journey. I sought comfort and advice from online forums and support groups, interacting with people who had experienced comparable medical issues. Their inspirational tales of tenacity and recovery motivated me and gave me helpful advice.
I'm happy to report that my alkaline phosphatase levels are now back to normal, and I feel like I have control over my health again. My journey wasn't without its difficulties, but it taught me the value of standing up for oneself, getting help, and making adjustments to improve general wellbeing.
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