How Greyson Gallagher treated high alkaline phosphatase?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high alkaline phosphatase.
My name is Greyson Gallagher, and as I turned 45, I made the decision to put my health first. To be sure everything was in order, I arranged a thorough blood test. I had no idea that this regular examination would disclose a high alkaline phosphatase score of 222, sending me on a surprising path of medical research and personal resiliency.
I was immediately shocked by the information. I had always thought of myself as a reasonably healthy person who followed a balanced diet and did frequent exercise. However, I was worried and unsure about my health because of the high alkaline phosphatase level. I immediately scheduled a consultation with my primary care physician since I was determined to comprehend the consequences of this ailment.
My doctor described alkaline phosphatase as an enzyme present in many tissues throughout the body, primarily the liver, bones, and bile ducts, during our visit. Increased levels of alkaline phosphatase may be a sign of problems with the liver or bones, including liver illness, bone conditions, and potentially certain types of cancer. My doctor suggested additional testing to identify the underlying reason for my increased levels, such as liver function tests, bone scans, and other imaging.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
I was anxious and determined while I awaited the outcomes of these examinations. I started a self-educational path because I wouldn't let this illness overwhelm me. I did extensive research on alkaline phosphatase, its purposes, and the many potential causes of increased levels.
I learned from my research that a number of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and therapies that decrease cholesterol, can affect the levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. But I was puzzled because I hadn't lately begun any new drugs. I also discovered that high alkaline phosphatase levels could be brought on by a number of conditions, including liver disease, gallstones, and bone diseases.
Armed with this knowledge, I went to my doctor with a long list of queries and worries. Together, we carefully reviewed my medical background, way of life, and any relevant contributing factors. My doctor thought that a liver problem might be the cause of my increased alkaline phosphatase results after a thorough evaluation.

I had a liver biopsy to learn more, and the results showed minor liver inflammation. I was given the diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), an illness that is characterised by the buildup of fat in the liver, by my doctor. Even though the news was depressing, it was relieving to know what was really causing my high alkaline phosphatase levels.
I used lifestyle modifications and medicinal treatments after receiving a diagnosis to treat my NAFLD and lower my alkaline phosphatase levels. I significantly changed my eating habits by emphasising whole foods, cutting back on processed sweets and bad fats, and consuming more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Regular exercise became a vital component of my routine, helping me to lose weight and improve my general health.
I also worked closely with a hepatologist who gave me prescriptions for drugs and vitamins to support the health of my liver and lessen inflammation. These interventions, along with my commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle, produced encouraging outcomes. My alkaline phosphatase levels gradually went back to normal over time, proving that the medication was effective.

I felt a variety of emotions along this voyage, including annoyance, uncertainty, and dread. I, however, resisted letting those feelings define who I am. I instead depended on the help of my loved ones, who offered inspiration and compassion during the difficult moments. I also found comfort at a support group for people with liver disorders, where I could connect with others going through comparable problems and share insightful knowledge and experiences.
I'm happy to report that, three years after receiving my initial diagnosis, my alkaline phosphatase levels are once again within the normal range. I continue to put my health first, making decisions that will promote the health of my liver and my entire body. The path was obviously challenging, but I learned a lot from it about the value of standing up for myself, pursuing knowledge, and accepting positive change.
I was given a wake-up call by my struggle with high alkaline phosphatase levels, which showed me how tenacious and strong we are as people. It pushed me to take control of my health and motivated me to support others going through similar struggles. Because of my own experience, I've developed a passion for spreading the word about liver health, telling my story, and urging routine checkups to catch possible problems early.
Unexpected detours and turns are a part of life's path, and it is through these difficulties that we develop and advance. My experience with elevated alkaline phosphatase levels made me realise how vulnerable our bodies are and how crucial it is to take care of ourselves. I am thankful for the knowledge gained and the courage I found within myself today since they have helped me have a healthier and more contented life.
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