How Scout Wise treated high rbc?
Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rbc.
This is Scout Wise, and when I learned that my red blood cell (RBC) count was shockingly high, my path through high school took an unexpected turn. This diagnosis, which had a value of 5.52, caught me off guard and made me fearful for the future.
I began having strange symptoms that interfered with my daily life when I was still in school. I had a continual sense of exhaustion, had trouble focusing in class, and had trouble staying up while studying. Simple things became difficult, and my level of frustration and worry grew. Over time, the exhaustion worsened, and I also started to occasionally feel faint and short of breath, even when doing light physical activity.
I confided in my parents after becoming frightened by these symptoms, and they quickly made an appointment for our family doctor. I unexpectedly learned that I had polycythemia, or high RBC count, after undergoing a number of procedures, including a blood test. I had always thought of myself as a healthy, active person, so it was a shocking and overwhelming realisation. I was suddenly faced with a health problem that needed my attention and comprehension.
Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page
My doctor explained that polycythemia happens when the body makes too many red blood cells, which can result in thicker blood and issues. My doctor provided me with a plan to monitor and lower my RBC count since she understood how serious the problem was, but it would take commitment and a change in lifestyle.
I was particularly worried about how this diagnosis would affect my overall school experience and academic achievement as a student. Would I be able to complete my coursework on time and devote myself fully to extracurricular activities? Would the ongoing weariness and other symptoms make it difficult for me to focus and participate in school activities?
We started a journey to face the problem head-on with my parents' steadfast support. Making the necessary lifestyle changes was the first step. My doctor emphasised the value of eating a well-balanced diet that prioritises nutrient-dense foods while limiting processed and high-fat items. I gave fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats first priority in order to provide my body the nutrition it needs to boost the development of healthy blood cells and lessen some of the symptoms.

Effective energy management and putting rest first become essential. I created a regular sleep schedule and gave myself enough time to unwind and relax. I developed the ability to pay attention to my body and determine when it required a break, whether that meant taking quick pauses throughout study sessions or days off to recharge. These adjustments gave me back control over my everyday life and helped me fight the lingering weariness.
Although managing my health condition in high school was difficult, I was fortunate to have a solid support system in my family and close friends. They continuously encouraged and empathised with me, letting me know that I was not travelling alone. Their assistance was really important in helping me stay upbeat, motivated, and goal-focused.
My teachers were also accommodating and understanding. When it was necessary, they extended due dates for assignments, and they were considerate of my sporadic need for breaks or workload modifications. I was able to meet my academic obligations thanks to this support without endangering my health.

Visiting my doctor on a regular basis was essential for tracking my development. We monitored the variations in my RBC count through blood tests and modified my treatment plan as needed. These appointments also gave me a chance to address any worries or inquiries I had, ensuring that I was always informed and equipped to manage my health.
With persistence and the help of my loved ones, I eventually started to see improvements. My RBC count gradually dropped, and the symptoms that had been draining me began to improve. I was able to fully commit to my education, extracurricular activities, and social life after regaining my energy and mental clarity.
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