How Jace Ramsey treated high rdw?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw. 

Jace Ramsey here, and I just got back from a much-needed vacation to rest and refuel. I had no idea that this journey would reveal a health issue that I was unaware of. I started having strange symptoms while I was away, which made me decide to consult a doctor. The surprising news of a high RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) level, measuring at 20.5%, came to me during this appointment. This realisation signalled the beginning of a difficult path defined by uncertainty but also by a strong desire to take back control of my health.

I couldn't help but feel an odd amount of exhaustion setting in while I lounged on the beach. Simple exercises like swimming and walking now felt draining, which confused and worried me. I made the decision to speak with a local doctor about these alarming symptoms since I was determined to make the most of my vacation. A blood test conducted at this visit confirmed the increased RDW level.

The information shocked me. I had always placed a high priority on my health, eating a balanced diet and getting frequent exercise. I was baffled as to how my RDW level could be so high, possibly indicating underlying problems. I started a voyage of research to better understand the effects of high RDW levels and the essential actions to regulate them because I was determined to recover control over my health.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

RDW is a measurement of the variation in size of red blood cells, I learned from my research. Numerous problems, such as anaemia, nutrient shortages, or chronic illnesses, can all be indicated by a high RDW level. I decided to seek professional advice and take proactive steps to manage my high RDW levels after realising the gravity of the situation.

I made an appointment with my primary care physician as soon as I got back from my trip to talk about the findings of the blood test and create an action plan. My doctor verified the need for additional research into the elevated RDW level during our session. To discover the fundamental reason, additional testing were requested.

The tests that followed showed that my elevated RDW level was mostly caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. The symptoms of this insufficiency, which I have personally experienced, are weakness, weariness, and shortness of breath. With this information, my doctor created a thorough treatment strategy.

Contact a doctor

I was given prescriptions for vitamin B12 supplements to treat the deficiency. Not only would these pills assist my body's vitamin B12 levels return to normal, but they would also aid in raising my RDW levels. In addition, my doctor advised me to include foods high in vitamin B12 in my diet, like lean meats, fish, eggs, and dairy goods.

Accepting this new routine came with its own set of difficulties. Discipline and persistence were needed to adjust to a supplementary regimen and change my food. I was, however, prepared to make the effort since I understood how important it was to regain my health. I made an effort to include foods high in vitamin B12 in my meals and formed a regimen for taking the supplements. I also asked for help from my family members, who were supportive and understanding during this process.

As time went on, I started to see improvements. My energy levels progressively increased, and the severe exhaustion began to subside. My RDW levels showed a lower trend in subsequent blood tests, proving that my efforts were having an impact.

anti inflammatory diet plan

However, supplementation and dietary changes were not the only ways to manage elevated RDW levels. I came to understand the value of holistic wellbeing as I worked towards reaching my health goals. I gave priority to stress-reduction strategies including frequent exercise, mindfulness exercises, and participating in enjoyable hobbies. These procedures produced a setting that was favourable for recovery and general well-being.

As I continued on my trip, I became aware of the need of telling my narrative. I recognised that there might be others who have dealt with high RDW levels and associated limitations in the past or now. I hoped to motivate and encourage others in their own health journeys by sharing my experiences, perceptions, and coping mechanisms. I participated regularly in support groups, online communities, and health forums where I could learn from others, give support, and ask for advice.

Today, I am happy to report that my efforts have produced fruitful outcomes. My RDW levels have progressively returned to normal, and I now feel more energised and well-being. This experience has taught me the value of standing up for my health, getting competent advice, and taking preventative measures to deal with any potential health issues.

I strongly advise you to act if you experience high RDW levels or alarming symptoms. Consult a medical expert, go through the required tests, and create a customised treatment plan. Keep in mind that you are not fighting this battle alone. Ask for help from close friends and family, and join groups of others who have gone through similar things.

Let's face our health difficulties together, be there for one another, and work towards a better, healthier future.

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