How Makayla Monroe treated high rdw?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw. 

Makayla Monroe is my name, and I'm presently enrolled as a student. My RDW value is 20.3. Since I'm still in school and have never had any serious health difficulties previously, this news came as a shock. I was shaken by the news and unsure of what it would mean for my academic and general well-being.

It all started when I noticed that I was constantly tired even after getting enough rest. In addition, I experienced frequent headaches, which made it harder for me to focus on my academics. I made plans to see the doctor since I was worried about my health and wanted to get some answers.

My doctor recommended doing a number of blood tests to look into the origin of my problems during the visit. The high RDW level was revealed by the results. Red blood cell size variation is quantified by the RDW, or red cell distribution width. I was confused and worried since it showed an irregularity with a value of 20.3.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The idea of dealing with a health issue and possibly falling behind in my academics as a committed student who always took pride in my academic achievement was overwhelming. This unexpected diagnosis seemed to be in danger of derailing my goals and aspirations.

I couldn't help but wonder what was causing the RDW level to be so high in the first place. On the internet, countless hours were spent researching and learning more about medicine. The more information I acquired, though, the more ambiguities and causes I found, from dietary deficits to underlying medical issues.

My mental and emotional health started to suffer as a result of the weight of uncertainty and fear. Worst-case scenarios flooded my imagination, and dread became a daily companion. How would this impact my ability to function academically? Would I have to postpone my aspirations? In what ways did this affect my future?

Contact a doctor

I turned to my close friends and family for support during my stress. They gave me the confidence to communicate my worries and concerns because of their consistent support. Their presence and encouraging remarks helped lessen some of the loneliness I experienced while travelling.

I took the required actions to better understand and control my high RDW levels with the help of my loved ones. I sought out medical experts who could provide more information about my health in order to receive additional medical advice. We investigated potential causes more thoroughly and looked at several therapeutic alternatives together.

Weeks passed by as I underwent several examinations and consultations. As I eagerly awaited answers and a more definite course of action, each doctor session brought with it a mix of hope and dread. My commitment to continuing my academic endeavours remained unwavering during this time. I aggressively sought out my instructors' sympathy and support, and I made sure I had the appropriate accommodations to deal with my health issues without jeopardising my academic performance.

anti inflammatory diet plan

After what seemed like an age, I was given a thorough diagnostic. It came out that my chronic iron deficiency was the main cause of my high RDW levels. This information offered both relief and alarm. On the one hand, knowing why my RDW level was high gave me a feeling of direction. However, I was aware that in order to ensure my general wellbeing, I needed to control and raise my iron levels.

With this new information at my disposal, I worked closely with my medical team to create a treatment strategy. I started eating more leafy greens, lean meats, and fortified cereals, which are foods high in iron. I also started taking iron tablets that my doctor had advised.

There were difficulties along the way to regulating my high RDW levels. To keep track of my development, it took persistence, patience, and frequent evaluations. There were times when I was frustrated and faced disappointments, but I didn't let them define me or stop me from achieving my goals.

As I think back on my experience, I've grown to value the important lessons it taught me about life. I've come to realise how crucial it is to be resilient, to stand up for oneself, and to ask for help. I am aware that perseverance and a positive outlook are necessary to overcome obstacles.

Even if my academic journey may have taken an unexpected turn, I won't let my high RDW scores define who I am. Instead, I use it as inspiration to look after myself, put my health first, and keep working towards my academic and personal objectives. I have faith that I can face any obstacle head-on with the help of my loved ones and a dedication to my health.

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