How Lena Long treated high rdw?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw. 

Lena Long here, and only recently I learned that my RDW value is 14.9. It was an unanticipated finding that made my already stressful life much more stressful. I experienced constant stress from having to manage customer expectations, meet deadlines, and manage a demanding team as a project manager in a fast-paced software company. When I learned that I had elevated RDW levels, I became more concerned since I understood the possible effects on my health.

Red Cell Distribution Width, or RDW, is a measurement of the size variation of red blood cells. In most cases, it lies within a certain range, but my score of 14.9 suggested that something wasn't right with my body. I conducted in-depth research to comprehend the potential reasons and ramifications since I became very curious. Unfortunately, when I discovered numerous health issues linked to high RDW levels, the information I found online just served to increase my concern.

My daily effort to strike a balance between my career obligations and my escalating health concerns. My anxiety seemed to be amplified by the ongoing stress at work, making it difficult for me to concentrate on anything else. I discovered that I was continuously thinking about my future and potential health problems.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I made the decision to deal with my high RDW levels head-on because I was determined to gain control of the problem. I scheduled a consultation with my doctor to go over the findings and get advice on what to do next. I worried a lot in the days before the appointment, running through numerous worst-case scenarios in my head.

The day finally came, and I met with my doctor—a wise and kind medical expert who saw the value of addressing both physical and mental well-being. She listened carefully to my worries and informed me that high RDW levels could result from a variety of causes and might not always be an indication of a serious medical problem.

My doctor prescribed further tests, such as a complete blood count, iron studies, and a peripheral blood smear, to better understand my condition. She advised me to concentrate on stress management strategies and self-care routines while I awaited the findings to assist me manage my anxiety.

Contact a doctor

I paid attention to her advise and made an attempt to include healthy practises in my everyday routine. In spite of the stress at work and the uncertainty around my health, I was able to find some moments of tranquilly after I started practising mindfulness meditation. Regular exercise became a priority for me because it not only gave me a physical outlet but also helped me feel better and reduce stress.

I also changed my diet to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I needed to support my general health. I cut back on processed meals and added sugars while increasing my consumption of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. In order to make sure I satisfied all of my dietary needs, my doctor also suggested a multivitamin supplement.

I gradually saw a change for the better as the days became weeks. Even if the anxiousness wasn't fully gone, I discovered that I could handle it better. I was able to reclaim control over my life with the use of self-care techniques, a better lifestyle, and continued support from my doctor.

anti inflammatory diet plan

When the test results were finally received, they showed that the main cause of my high RDW levels was a dietary deficiency. My doctor advised changing my diet and keeping an eye on my blood pressure readings. I was quite relieved to hear the news, and I took away an important lesson about the value of consulting a professional rather than depending exclusively on online information.

With this newfound insight, I continue to put my physical and emotional well-being first. I've incorporated healthy routines into my life and made time for self-care activities and stress reduction methods. My RDW levels have gradually dropped over time, a sign that the improvements I've made are working.

Today, as I consider my experience with high RDW levels, I value the resiliency and strength I have learned to possess. I've learned from the experience how crucial it is to take care of oneself, seek professional assistance, and keep a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, it has emphasised the importance of controlling stress and anxiety because they can have a significant negative impact on our general wellbeing.

Despite the difficulties along the way, I eventually reached a point of increased self-awareness and reaffirmed dedication to caring for myself. As a result of my struggles with high RDW levels, I was made aware that maintaining good health should always come first. I now approach life with a newfound sense of balance, making sure that my wellbeing remains at the forefront of everything I do. This is because I am armed with the information and experience I have learned.

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