How Royalty Ventura treated high rdw?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw. 

My RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) level is higher than usual. Everything began when I made the decision to move jobs and was required to get a full blood workup before starting at my new job. I had no idea that this routine checkup would reveal a battle going on inside of me.

That day, when the nurse took my blood, I had no idea what the results may be. I figured things would be alright because I'm normally healthy and active. I was shocked and concerned to learn that my RDW level was identified as high, measuring at 17.6%, when I got the test results a few days later. RDW normally falls within the range of 11.5% and 14.5%.

At first, I wasn't sure what this high RDW level meant or what effect it would have. I did some research since I was curious to learn more, and I discovered that RDW is a measurement of the variation in size of red blood cells. Any number of underlying illnesses, such as anaemia, dietary inadequacies, or chronic diseases, could be indicated by a high RDW level. I was alarmed by this realisation as I wondered what may be causing this blood anomaly.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The information that my RDW level had increased worried me much. I was concerned about how it may impact my personal life, my new career, and my general health. It quickly became clear that I had to deal with this problem right away.

I made an appointment with my primary care physician as my initial action. We talked about my worries throughout the visit, and my doctor prescribed additional testing to ascertain the true cause of my elevated RDW level. My minor iron deficient anaemia was discovered to be the cause of the irregularity in my blood, which made sense. I was relieved to have an explanation, but I also understood that it would take work to get through this obstacle.

My doctor recommended iron supplements and changed my diet to include more meals with foods high in iron. Lean meats, legumes, leafy greens, and fortified cereals became a regular part of my diet. In addition, I made sure to eat enough of vitamin C-rich foods because these help the body absorb iron. I was committed to restoring my RDW level to normal and enhancing my general well-being.

Contact a doctor

I watched as things gradually got better over time. I felt less tired and my energy levels rose. My RDW level had decreased, according to routine blood testing, which was encouraging. It was proof of the advancement I was making.

The trip did not, however, come without difficulties. When things seemed to be moving slowly, I got frustrated and started to wonder if I would ever totally regain normalcy. I did, however, take a moment to remind myself of the value of patience and self-care. I asked my friends and family for help, and they were supportive and understanding.

I also became aware of the need of sharing my experience since I knew that others might be dealing with high RDW levels or other comparable health problems. By sharing my story, I sought to build a community where people could connect, tell their tales, and find comfort in the knowledge that they were not alone.

anti inflammatory diet plan

In order to learn from one another and receive ideas that can be useful on their own travels, it is essential to encourage others to share their experiences. We can create a network of knowledge and compassion through discussions with healthcare professionals, online forums, or support groups.

My RDW level has now returned to normal, and I feel grateful for the things I've learnt along the journey as well as a sense of success. I've learned through this experience the value of self-care, the effectiveness of proactive health management, and the strength of a caring community.

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